Wednesday, 24 November 2010

the problem?

my education
has toughened me up,
broken me down
and allowed a perspective
that i didn't have.
when i was a younger man
i saw personal freedom
as everything
to be had,
well -
i still feel the same
though life
is'nt all it should be
i am thin on top
and desperate for company
i need someone to get me
and know all i am
not beat me to a pulp
because i am guilty,

Saturday, 6 November 2010

smeegle (preciooouuuusssss!)

to my safety
are all too common
i am afraid to say
it's all my fault
that i am afraid i couldn't
keep my words
sealed tight
between my teeth
preach love and forgiveness
and turn the other cheek
but i worried,
i fretted and i cried with guilt
i had opinions on subjects
i was too afraid
to believe in
and all because
and i have to admit
i thought i was
abandoning the children
i haven't had yet.