Monday, 30 November 2009

what is really important

I sit here, just before 12am in the morning writing this journal to consider what is important.

We are taught from an early age by our parents, our extended family, school and even possibly, the Church, what is important in our lives.

But, I beg the question: On whose authority, are any of these testimonies in any way true?

First of all, [and this is the challenge I have set myself], can we reject the teachings of Jesus ? He had many anecdotes to share with us on love, forgiveness and our commitment to Sin. These are the core values of Western society, but here in the 21st century, in my time and in all my life, many have proved false.

Don’t get me wrong, I am no AntiChrist, but if we are to accept the Gospel as the word of some omnipotent being, let’s call him Christ; then, we cannot put our faith in human nature.

I wish to challenge this assumption.

So, thereby we are left with the education bestowed upon us by our family and the terminal institutions of society: These being primarily, education and the Law.

Recently, Government and even the media have had their say in the direction of the average citizens’ life. Whether it be the genocide of sex offenders or the placating of the masses when greedy bankers swallow your pension and savings and claim we’re all in it together. Apparently the economy’s crashed.

I think not, Government has bought the banks and made a loss on our behalf !

To add weight to this debate, we also find the wheels of justice prone to mistakes and even greater errors of no pilfering sum. We are talking real lives here. Even Government is in disarray over who holds power wisely, without abusing their position.

- Here, I pause to think of Christ’s work. – His message is clear, so am I wrong to discredit his words. [Seeing as that is all he has left us with].

You would think our institutions, the one’s we take for granted, would be benign in their mandate and the influence they have over us. They should not demand respect, or even command it. So maybe they should continue to placate us with lofty ideals, spin doctors, oratory and propaganda.

In fact they do… Nothing wrong with that I say, so long as we have free will: The right to make our own conscious decisions.

So, we come to the family.

The family unit has taken a lot of schtick in the latter part of the 20th century, even though all of us have been raised according to its’ primary values.

- Respect your parents, elders and betters, - no – cancel the last one. We are all born equally and we all die alone, in poverty.

I can guarantee you that much is true.

So why do we respect our parents [assuming we do] so much, even if they forgot us, abused us or took our name away.

Is it because when we were young we were conditioned by their rules, temper and demands ? Or was it unconsciously, we knew we could not survive without the hand that fed us, held us and smacked our arse when we had too much of a good time?

- I am sure I am due one soon.

No, I believe the family is good and is the sole consolation in the maddening world, after drugs, drink, sex, cigarettes and pornography that occupy’s any healthy person’s psyche.

It provides support, understanding, compassion, camaraderie and commitment. If it weren’t for your family, your parents included, you would never have been born.

So what are we born of ?

Christianity say’s Divine Love. God’s Love for the world and mankind [And womankind, of course].

So, is the humane question of the righteous treatment of our common folk, really the human element ?

Can human nature be at all freely given or is it to be disrespected and ignored.

And Love Is…?

Or is it…?

Which brings me back to Jesus. His anecdotes don’t give us much to go by, but in his wisdom he gave us free will and the right mind to make conscious decisions on our own behalf.

To love God for our only life here.

Or so it would seem and – if I have been fooled, then fool me. Sometimes it is our only choice when we have no other, and I am one of many.

Sure, life can be confusing and bitter at times but what would we be without the goodness and patience of human beings like you and me; our families, traditions, neighbours and friends.

And dare I even say it…, children.

You see, today my older Brother had his first child born to him and his partner at 10.22pm on the 25th November 2009.

They called her Sheraleigh Leah.

Surely Jesus loves us still and this old world has life to go ?

I can think of no worldly beast that could explain to me why I am motivated to write these words to myself under the title of…

- ‘What Is Really Important’

1 comment:

  1. just a few thoughts for the world to chew on if anyone is reading this [unlikely!] but hey, this is my only motivation so listen up world, i have much more to say...


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