Friday, 29 June 2012

sex and commitment

by the end of my life
i'm probably broke
yet trapped in a priceless
manipulative love,
i've had so much rejection
in my relationships'
and still i can't communicate
where the promise
of love is...
my muse i manipulate
with timbre and emjamblement
a fresh start for the good of me,
and my wishes are granted
and though the power is not with me
to utter romantic words
of the spirit's will and blessing
i can listen for a sound
and keep all eyes peeled
like a trapdoor spider
an old lady whose dining out
on the runt of the litter
that good for nothing - Son of a Gun,
well, i apologise for my trespass
i had made no judgements
so, if you could be me - true -
then think of yourself!
after all its not me suffering
i was just suggesting we fuck...
i've communicated all my hopes and dreams
and chopped and changed
backstabbing friends,
and all the while i have wondered -
- and waited,
if you're calling me back
Faith's perfect stranger?

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

the chorus

the truth of the matter
well, she's visited before
stink of skunk
and unwashed clothes
the love i have known
is a trussed up bird
a gentle spirit
whose heart is a book
can't avoid being known
for my strange intuitions
but darling i promise
you'll feel no inhibition
i'm a rocking roller -
and no beat can change that
i've had your heart
from a long way back
manipulate my senses
stir up my love
strike up the band
and sing the chorus
there's got to be
something to believe in
if love's why i'm here
then for sure i'll achieve it.

so, when i'm sound of mind
and relaxed as a tree
just tell me your happy
to be with me.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

top of the class

colluding with thieves
and criminal gangs
courtroom dramas
about murder conspiracies
drugs and pornography
greed, avarice,
totalitarian regimes
and despotic gentlemen
good people who watch
the passing traffic
begging in town for a crust
of a sandwich
and seeking the truth!
about the world inhabited by our minds'
knowing the heart of a beautiful wife
talk of children, when we meet
confusion about my role in this
gateway's closing behind with a slam
the future of my heart
weighs in the balance.
Lord please help me!
i beg of you the truth
rest my hearts' volition
the couple have no right to accuse
i have no need to regret this
i am more than certain i haven't lied
so rest my pityful condition
i don't deserve to die.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

totally free

the last word from me
is i am now 32
born in 1980
i am as old as you
relationships are fascinating
they are so crazy,
and free -
a roller coaster of passion
animal attraction
a piece of the action
needs imagination and care
and lots of care,
- before love gets you there -
does a heartbeat fail
for all it does not have?
can i possibly convince you
the soul seeks only love
the truth of the matter
is i've got to move on
because its happiness
i'm seeking,
not debt and mortgages
i'll let my heart take me places
i could have never of conceived
if i had not promised you
total belief.


16 diamonds
set in precious metal
a love and a staff
frozen snow crystals
a psychic reading
about the love of us both
with a critical tongue
and a clear vendetta salute
Lord Haw Haw, i suppose
the comedian of war -
precious wit and lies told
to bully and scare
i may be pushing my luck
right now,
in this relationship
but i need to know
are we both in it?
i know i'm sexually phobic
and brought low by children
i'm lazy and indolent
and stink like a lizard
but if you could give
to me girlfriend,
the one thing i haven't
ever had in my life
then please take care
and always hold onto me
maybe we can escape
from this town's

Saturday, 23 June 2012

a fitting end

it's nearly the end
of a 2 year journey
exploring the truths
of relationships with
there's a lot of mixed messages
and furtive movements
threats to the safety
of my tenancy agreement
wishes float like petals
on a body of clear fresh water
children playing in the street
cause me to consider surrender
the shock of the heart!
and if i can't trust you -
then what more may i ask
of a beautiful date?
maybe its a joke
when i think sometimes,
of you as my woman - be good girlfriend
i don't mean to shock
the heart, for my loss
in every word i promise
i only want love
though there's a crack going round
you're stalking me honey
i get crank calls in the evening from a mystery caller
and i don't want to ask
for something you can't give -
- so just love me crazy honey -
you're the perfect psy - chic.

Friday, 22 June 2012


she's making me wait
for a chance to win her
i could shake, rattle and roll
for another opinion
but i don't need
no nay - saying wing man
i could have it my way
if it weren't for religion.
porn, lazy days,
dates with my nurse
reading the papers -
perverse acts of abuse
erotic fantasies - a delight!
played out in my dreams
bad blood between friends
and jailbirds' sentenced
sometimes i think
there's someone getting at me
and i can't understand
why people think i'm guilty
but we all move on
for the best i am told
history need not repeat
the lessons of youre
family problems
and the shock of children,
desperation for money
and the God delusion.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

cheating f'iends

bad friends
and thieving bastards
fickle women
and getting shafted
smackhead wankers
my heart bleeds
i cannot help but feel cheated
out of all i've achieved
i work hard as i can
at my chosen profession
i develop my talents
as i practice them
i commit my heart
to those who support me
i refuse to let them
cheat me this way
it makes me angry
just to think
that someone so close
could expect of me
that to set themselves up
at alms with me
so they can indulge
their own jealousy.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

the holy ghost

have faith in your heart
for the day to come
when your belief in God
becomes your religion
some miraculous event
saves your life
and holds you up
to a blinding white light
there is one amongst us
whose deeds are profound
he speaks of angelic beings
without seeming confused
has your true heart
forsaken you
for want of some trinket?
is your love so proud
it has betrayed your witness?
can you conceive of an earth
that belongs to the Lord?
where the schemes
of spoilt children
are dealt with
according to His law
well, i know this much
i won't be the first
to claim to be visited
by the spirit of Jesus.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

her big night out

i beg of you
sweet heart of mind
scent of peaches
and sky blue eyes
i thought we may have
gotten it together
and made our words
a beautiful
piece of heaven,
i want to know you
and talk about our love
i need you to give me
all you have to possess
i would suffer to save you
and spirit you away
from the encroaching tide
of modern society
i do believe we have
a sense of mind
that knows when either
of us two, are lying
my heart feels faint
and i'm troubled at heart
where are you my heartbreak
do i deserve to be harmed?
is my standard of loving
a disappointing event
have i reason to regret
suggesting this?

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

lindsey lo'han's

a hand and a glove
lindsey lohans love
i've been beating a gun
with a broken drum
so i thought of our conversations
i practised my patience
and decided to offer
a commitment to you.
i've bought the ring -
a stupid thing,
sentimentality is a mistake -
i can't give you my hand
or the world of my mind
because you would cheat,
humiliate and ruin me.
God promised me as a child
that love was the law
and you should practise your passion,
behind closed doors
so beat me if i embarrass you
in front of your friends
my body is yours -
just use your hands.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

save one for me (blue saturday)

its been a lonely old day
and i'm blue for the joy
i held in my heart
for the one that i love
i can't understand why
my dream can't come true
have i betrayed a sullen heart
for its thoughts of you?
i was promised
as a young man
that the law of God
was profound -
so why on earth must i suffer
like i have been lost
and not found?
please my lover - beseech me,
have you another heart to please?
can't you be true
and give your love to me
i'm horrified that you can't understand
that i've been victimised and beaten
because not one soul believes in the diety
whose spoken words of love are golden
i beg of you my sweetheart
can't you be a friend to me
and always think that when we speak
you will save your love for me.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

special branch

the real shit on life
as a modern man will know
is that politics stinks
and the economy's a pig
of a charity case on the rob -
your drugs are like medication
and sex is all about your future children
and your parents' wouldn't know
what you've been through
because they're determined to deceive you -
into following through
with their future plans,
but that's not all -if you've known the law -
then know whose team you're on -
you could well be a criminal
but your wing man may be sabotaging you
into playing your cards to scotland yard.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

on the wings of a Kunt

after many years of witnessing abuse
i changed my ways and stopping slinging shit
i manipulated the lines of prose and rhyme
to suit my plans - i ruined that bitch
for such a long time i forgot to ask
about the signs and signals sent by love
for a courting couple - you need to believe
a proper relationships' not one i suffer in gracious grief
so this time, i'll wise up and get a grip - for good
there's got to be a future in this game of catch up
for the love of the pair of us - is something beautiful
i don't often experience such wonder - though the sensation is real
i'm not some delusional crazy with a belief in what's irrational -
though i've heard some incredibly beastly perversions, satisfied
so, shouldn't we give our love  a chance and let it fly to the heavens
on the wings of a pigeon englishmans' wishes.

Monday, 4 June 2012

asthmatic spastic

crazy love
that gentle sensation
in the hollow of my chest
captures your beauty
in a still life frieze
and holds on to its breath
a million beatings
a relationship with feelings
is not something i often experience
so caress my haste
laugh at my faith
and share my joy
like we're a pair of angels
i've always thought a lover
who could capture on to my heart forever,
could take a snapshot of my love for you
so i would like you to show me
that you can control me
and manipulate my every breath

Sunday, 3 June 2012


spent the night
getting wankered
with me mate
his bird was downstairs
having an Ann Summers
i was drinking and chillin'
eating berries from the vine
my buddy was smoking
fat, blunt havanna's
and playing jim rummy
with me.
outside, the rain - its pouring
a fine shower in the darkness
the hush of the motorway
calms the heartbeat
and i sit and ponder why?
did i ever try to believe
in a glorious fantasy
as two hearts that have one mind.