Wednesday, 15 August 2012

from the bowels of the earth: late summertime, for you...

a battlefield has fallen
there's no trouble too demanding
the war of my heart,
and my faith in God
has vanquished all of my enemies
the weapons and bullets
lay scattered around
like shells on a beach
of a desert shoreline
and the very souls of my comrades
their loves and labours,
are buried beneath the rifles they fought with
and to look above the desolation,
past the horizion of my eye
i could murder the earth
for late summertime
charcoal smudged clouds
sail across the heavens
appearing as a silhouette
of some glorious mountain
and the breasts of natures kindness'
blooms, in the bush -
the song of the thrush and call of the dove
and i pray that love is golden
for all's i asked is that i can hold you
i've a peace in my heart
and a confidence that soars
when i think of my happiness
your love.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

a black and blue heart

my love - it should not fail me
my heart yearns to come with you
to enjoy the rapturous ecstasy
of making love with a passion that's true.
but sweetheart, i'm in solitary confinement!
rattling my chains i scream for justice
my straitjacket holds me in crippling shame
can't you release the binds that hold me?
can you help to rescue a confused and lonely,
man - whose soul's desire
is to be released from his burden
i am a hostage to fortune!
some woman - she murdered me, Lover!
and abandoned me here to hurt you
my pityful remains are just flesh on bone
i'm lost, alone, vanquished by some,
false love -
whose heart was a slaughter!

Sunday, 5 August 2012

nihilism, porn and me

'i do not know...'
what the truth of the matter is
all's i can concieve of
is that the doctrine of nihilism
has served the day
in the modern world i know
i have no recollection
of such imperial knowledge
maybe Prince's and their counsel
have all they wished for
could it be that Ministers
of religion,
have witnessed an apocolypse?
of all that was sacred
the joy of love's delight
is a dish served through cyberspace
a prostitutes' filthy crimes,
and yet, she seems such a beautiful creature!
her naked breasts caress the screen
i could imagine dropping by
to rape her of her innocence
and a wealth of other earthly delights!
but, be true to me my neighbour
my friend! can you believe
that the woman you love
with all your heart
is just some slut from another country?

Saturday, 4 August 2012

i called out loud

hello, my sweetheart
can you spend a minute with me?
i often feel your love
as a gentle sensation,
of happiness and bliss
such wonder in my heart!
brings me euphoria
with each thought of you
your heart i can truely trust.
with the two and fro'
of the tides of passion
helps me understand
the reverence of our Lord -
Jesus Christ.
and i have his gospel to thank...
as there's no great gains
i'm not going anywhere
unless you are confident of your faith
and hope and trust - play there part
there are no worldly forces
for the good of us.
humankinds' nihilism
mankinds' glorious cause
damns the cherishing of
a beautiful heart
whose dearest dream
is sacred to God
i speak of Christs' resurrection.
i may have doubted
derided and disappointed
all of those faithful flock
but your intimacy with me
is all i can concieve to be
as a promise of
a lifetime of love.

an only child

i have faith in love
i hope you can hear me
can you send my kisses back
i need your loving,
i have held my breath
for 6 months and counting
i've slung my cards on the table
and done deals aplenty...
but my future!
can't you see me?
my heart calls out in the wilderness
i beg of you, beauty!
comfort me in my loneliness
i'm confident of our passion
a 6th sense beats the rhythm
and when i'm with you -
it's not my heart that's hidden
it's the ghosts of my past
and shadows creeping in the dark
a loud scream for help
in the middle of the night
and an evil monster
whose determined to kill me
so, should you love me
someday, darling -
you know my mind - i'm yours
we could be reunited
as man and wife
and conceive a child that's ours'.